Conference Guide


. Mapping AGYW in Africa according to participating regions and countries as it relates to Covid 19.

. AGYW will speak in panels according to their regions representing their countries, one from each country.

. Day 1 and 2 will be dedicated to the regions starting with East Africa in the morning, followed by Southern Africa in the afternoon and the West Africa next day.

. First day will have East Africa and Southern Africa.

. Day 2 West Africa and other panels.

. The role of Gender Transformative research in improving adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights is a session by IDRC that will explore evidence building in advancing AGYW issues.


  1. 16 Days of Activism (3rd day)

.AGYW will deliver their communique as demands to African heads of states to push for the prioritization of their issues as the world rebuilds from the Covid ~ 19 pandemic and more so as Africa sets up its priorities.

. Government ministers from participating countries are expected to share their commitment on pushing AGYW issues in their countries and on the African union and other regional platforms.


. This platform is covered by Tali to bring together like minded organizations of various forms and individuals to advance adolescent girls and young women’s issues on the African continent and will meet every two years. Its main purpose will be to research, document, engage, mobilize, advocate and advance AGYW issues on the African region and global stage.


. The initiative works with “In – country Regional partners,” one per each country who mobilizes and does all the required work for the successful participation of AGYW in the decision making process of the regional platforms.


. The initiative accepts girls and young women below the ages of 18 thus the legal age of majority. The In- country partners however are responsible to seek for authorization for participants who are below 18 years to be in attendance as well as to be able to be filmed. The conference will be live on Facebook pages of Tali as well as shared amongst the participating partners platforms therefore attending means consent to being filmed and photographed as well as being quoted in media. Those who do not wish to be seen publicly can request to not be filmed therefore participate in the background.

. All in- country partners to ensure that participants sign registrations forms with the safe guarding disclaimer.


“Communique” AGYW is expected to aim at documenting their demands to the African leaders in a form of a communique building from their challenges that they will have identified during the conference. This communique will be developed by AGYW on day 2, and then released on day 3 the official global launch of 16 days of activism against Gender based violence. Ministers or members of parliament are expected to share solidarity messages promising to support AGYW to rebuild from Covid 19 and have their lives back. The communique will then be delivered initially to participating countries and African Union, then to the rest of Africa.

. “The situation of AGYW and Covid-19 in Africa” This report will outline the outcomes of the AGYW conference where AGYW will bring their experiences which will become the basis of advocacy. This report will be written in partnership with Africa University’s child rights research Centre. It will become the reference point for AGYW development in Africa, an evidence for advocacy.


. AGYW Africa is the regional platform that will engage beyond the first conference of November 2021 to become a bi- annual conference which will bring AGWY every 2 years. The advocacy will continue beyond the conference, engaging with in- country partners at African regional platforms as well as globally from the time of conference until the next. The year between will allow the real advocacy and monitoring building up to the conference.

Nyaradzo Nyari Mashayamombe

Convener AGYW Africa